the Aged Care Today magazine featured articles


Featured articles from our Aged Care Today magazine authored by our Ageing Australia team and specialists within the aged care sector.

It’s time to amplify our collective voice

Celebrating the achievements of our dedicated team

With winter now upon us, the first half of 2024 has been exceptionally busy for sector leaders as they absorbed further change. While the introduction of the new Aged Care Act has been delayed, further details and discussions around its practical implementation will be the dominant discourse.

Australia’s rapidly ageing population poses both challenges and opportunities. Remaining united and speaking with one voice to reinforce our collective strength and commitment is crucial.

Our dedicated policy and advocacy and member support teams have worked diligently assisting members while bringing our concerns to the forefront of government policy and planning.

ACCPA has provided invaluable analysis of the impacts and implications of the 2024-25 Federal Budget and the release of the Aged Care Taskforce Report.

Special thanks to the whole team for their excellent work preparing ACCPA’s pre-Budget submission for the new Aged Care Act. The quick and comprehensive analysis of the 2024-25 Budget has given our members the information they need to know.

The federal budget members’ webinar proved very popular providing insights into key announcements for aged care with members keenly asking questions.

The federal budget also indicated that the introduction of the new Aged Care Act would be delayed from 1 July 2024 until 1 July 2025 – a decision broadly welcomed by our members who appreciate more detail and time to respond.

In the areas of workforce recognition, attraction, retention and professional development, ACCPA has been campaigning strongly while providing support.

We have several key education and recognition campaigns which are highlighting the many dedicated aged and community care workers throughout Australia.

In July, You are ACE! recognition campaign nominations close with finalists collated and the winners announced on 7 August in conjunction with Aged Care Employee Day. On the same day, the ACCPA Excellence Awards winners will be announced.

I encourage all members to take part in the celebrations for this year’s Aged Care Employee Day.

Another key area of activity has been ACCPA’s state conferences held in Tasmania, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales from March through to June. We’ve had over 2,000 registrations across these events.

Pleasingly, each conference has seen an increase in registrations from last year.

It’s wonderful to see sector leaders gathering in an environment where they can support and learn from each other.

In May, I announced the re-appointment of two ACCPA Board directors effective from 19 November for three-year terms.

Dr Linda Mellors (Multi State Director) and Sue Peden AM (Independent Director) were reappointed. Both have been directors of ACCPA since its establishment in May 2022.

Dr Mellors is the CEO of Regis Aged Care, one of Australia’s largest providers of aged care services. She has drawn on her extensive executive experience in health and aged care to make a significant contribution to the ACCPA Board.

With three Independent Director positions on the Board appointed for their specific skills, attributes and experience, Ms Peden brings a unique marketing and corporate branding skill set, drawing external optics to front of mind.

I personally look forward to continuing working with both directors in the lead up to my retirement as ACCPA Chairman immediately following the 2024 AGM, and I know the new Chairperson will benefit from their skills and expertise.

As we navigate ongoing uncertainty and impending legislative changes, the importance of a single unified voice is essential.

Let’s amplify our collective voice to support our sector through these challenges.

Dr Graeme Blackman AO FTSE FAICD, Chairman, ACCPA

Graeme Blackman
The ACCPA state conferences gave aged care providers a fantastic opportunity to network and gain valuable insights into the industry.

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